Media Relations

Dear GiGi: I work on business development for a law firm, and I’d like to figure out how to utilize PR more effectively for sourcing new clients. One issue is that our current clients rely on us for discretion, so we can’t publish the details of our work much. What can PR do for us without compromising our clients?

March 25, 2011

Dear Joe, As you suggest, many law firms can’t talk about client work in detail. While that’s a challenge, it doesn’t mean you should neglect external communications as an integral tool. There many ways that public relations can help your firm, and I’ll outline just a couple here. The key is to always think about […]

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Dear GiGi: One blogger has been writing nasty posts about my company. How do I handle this without soliciting more negative publicity or giving the blogger more attention than is due?

February 1, 2011

First off, don’t panic! There’s a robust toolkit for these situations, so let’s take a moment to strategize and discuss just a couple of best practices. The overarching principle for dealing with negative publicity is to keep it contained as best you can. You shouldn’t give the negative post any more light, particularly if the […]

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Dear GiGi: We are a nonprofit working in Africa in an area that is getting a lot of attention. We need more of that attention to come our way to help with fundraising. Can public relations help?

January 31, 2011

Dear Nonprofit in Africa, Great question. Yes, public relations can absolutely help. That said, think of PR beyond purely transactional terms. An article about your organization in today’s New York Times won’t necessarily result in a $100,000 donation tomorrow (though it could!). What it will do, certainly, is raise the profile of your group so […]

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Dear GiGi: So I’ve developed a press list and I’ve crafted my pitch. I’m ready to get my message out there and try to get some media attention, but when’s the best time to contact most journalists?

November 30, 2010

Dear Joe, In today’s 24/7 media world, competing forces vie for our attention every minute of every day. Journalists are no exception, so you’re absolutely right to think about timing your outreach strategically. Monday can be tough since many reporters, like the rest of us, spend the first few hours of their day downing coffee […]

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Dear GiGi: How can anyone possibly control bad press with a media landscape now crowded by thousands of blogs and 24-hour TV news?

October 18, 2010

Hi John, It’s a valid concern for any company or organization. One day everything’s peachy; the next day you’ve been sucked into the quagmire that is the seemingly endless news cycle. But with the right approach you can take control of your message and steer your coverage in the right direction (it’s not always easy […]

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Dear GiGi: My company has had a decent amount of press coverage, however we’re not really making waves right now. How do we get ourselves back into top-tier outlets?

October 14, 2010

Hi Darien, Getting continuous hits in top-tier outlets can certainly be difficult. If your company isn’t coming out with any major initiatives, one method to garner coverage is pitching members of your company as a source of commentary. For instance, a law firm practicing in the healthcare industry may not be at liberty to discuss […]

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