Strategic Execution

Dear GiGi, What is a good opening statement for a crisis involving stolen information in a cell phone company to reassure customers their information is safe?

November 30, 2011

The security of personal information is one of the most important things to a consumer, especially in the telecommunications business. While I’d need more information to talk specifics about this company’s challenge, here are a few principles to follow: Take ownership of the situation: accept responsibility for the breach, be transparent about the scope, and […]

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Dear GiGi: My company is expanding; we’re opening a new Midwest office. We’re interested in using PR to get the word out – is it better to retain a PR firm in the local market or where our HQ is (East Coast)?

April 8, 2011

Hi Erin, Great question – geography is often a factor in public reactions, whether it’s identifying your target audiences or, as you suggest, figuring out which office should interact with an outside PR agency. In my experience, the location of the PR firm doesn’t impact the quality of the communications effort; an experienced firm that […]

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Dear GiGi: I work on business development for a law firm, and I’d like to figure out how to utilize PR more effectively for sourcing new clients. One issue is that our current clients rely on us for discretion, so we can’t publish the details of our work much. What can PR do for us without compromising our clients?

March 25, 2011

Dear Joe, As you suggest, many law firms can’t talk about client work in detail. While that’s a challenge, it doesn’t mean you should neglect external communications as an integral tool. There many ways that public relations can help your firm, and I’ll outline just a couple here. The key is to always think about […]

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Dear GiGi: Does direct mail work?

March 4, 2011

Today, email has just about replaced regular mail. Everything from advertisements to bills to holiday cards are sent electronically. In that sense, direct mail may seem archaic. However, your item may stand out more among a smaller pile of envelopes and flyers. Who are you trying to reach and what are your goals? Direct mail […]

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