
Internal Content Creation: You don’t HAVE to pull teeth

August 18, 2015

Group Gordon’s Maya Kriet offers tips for maximizing internal resources to fill your content pipeline. 8.18.15 Content can be a marketer or PR professional’s best friend. A single valuable piece of content can have a trickle effect, becoming a source of countless other nuggets of communications gold. With one great industry survey and set of […]

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A Guide to Media Interviews from a College Tour Guide

August 6, 2015

Last but not least in our series of blog posts from Group Gordon’s summer interns, Avery Suter applies lessons learned as a campus tour guide to navigating media interviews. 8.6.15 A media interview with a top-tier outlet is a golden opportunity for an organization, company, or brand… if it goes well! However, for many leaders […]

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How to Successfully Pitch Yourself in a Job Interview

July 30, 2015

Next in our series of blog posts from Group Gordon’s summer interns, Emily Perelman applies lessons from navigating nerve-racking PR situations to overcoming interview butterflies in any situation. 7.30.15 Everyone knows that pre-interview feeling of butterflies, the combination of excitement with nervousness, and, sometimes, even slight perspiration. In PR, an industry with few guarantees, those […]

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PR Facts and Myths for Aspiring Professionals

July 23, 2015

Next in our series of blog posts from Group Gordon’s summer interns, Hyunji Ward challenges common myths about public relations with evidence from her first experiences in the industry. 7.23.15 In the stress of hunting for a position in the professional world, either as a recent grad or an intern, it can be difficult to […]

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PR on the Campaign Trail: 3 Lessons for Developing the Winning Message

July 9, 2015

Kicking off our series of blog posts from Group Gordon’s summer interns, Elliot Hartwell looks to past presidential campaigns for lessons that can help 2016 hopefuls stand out. 7.9.15 The day after Barack Obama won reelection in 2012, news outlets and political pundits kicked off the 2016 presidential race by picking their front-runners for the […]

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Take a Hard Look in the Mirror at your Cyber-Self

July 6, 2015

Next in our series of blog posts from Group Gordon’s summer interns, Kasey Katz applies the lessons she’s learned in corporate PR to building a personal brand. 7.6.15 How much time does it take you to get ready for work? What about for a meeting? An interview? A date? When it comes to making a […]

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