A stand-out article about your college or university can support rankings, retain faculty, help attract prospective students, boost the school’s reputation, differentiate against competitors, and much more. However, many higher education institutions struggle to source, pitch, and place these stories. Having effective communications processes and strategies in place can help secure these impactful feature pieces.
This session featured a live presentation and Q&A led by Group Gordon Principal Michael Gordon, Senior Vice President Jordan Miller, and Vice President Hillary Wasserman.
Topics covered included:
– What makes a story newsworthy;
– Strategies for pitching stories and getting on reporters’ radars;
– How to implement internal communications processes to efficiently and consistently source stories;
– How to tap into trending media topics and trend stories; and
– Examples of successful storytelling
You can find the recording here and embedded below. We hope that you find these resources helpful as you work to win impactful media coverage for your institution.