
Media Talent

October 1, 2010

Michael Gordon discusses how shifting media stars help and hurt brands.
Media top talent wins help to build brands

BP’s disaster in the Gulf

September 15, 2010

Michael Gordon grades President Obama and BP’s Tony Hayward on their handling of the crisis.
CNBC Power Lunch: “Managing the Crisis on the Coast”

BP’s disaster in the Gulf

September 15, 2010

Michael Gordon suggests BP should take full responsibility for its disaster and move forward with complete transparency.
CNBC Power Lunch: “The BP Spill: Just the Beginning”

Goldman Sachs’ troubled PR

September 15, 2010

Michael Gordon analyzes the embattled bank’s investor letter, calling it a step in the right direction.
CNBC Power Lunch: “Goldman Strikes Back”

Tiger Woods’ scandal

September 15, 2010

Michael Gordon weighs in on the wisdom of Tiger’s highly anticipated press conference.
CNBC News Alert: “What Should Tiger Say?”

Tiger Woods’ scandal

September 15, 2010

Michael Gordon argues that Tiger’s press conference was so scripted it lost sincerity and effect.
CNBC Breaking News: “Tiger’s Road to Recovery”
