5 times the media strategy should have been to stay out of the story

August 12, 2021

GG’s Jordan Miller shows why staying out of the media can often be the right media strategy. We live in a world where an ever-increasing amount of content must fight for space and attention on an ever-decreasing array of news platforms. With no straightforward formula to explain what goes viral and what doesn’t, or why […]

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What PR Taught Me About Parenting

May 20, 2021

Group Gordon’s Lana Gersten reflects on PR skills that translate to parenting – and vice versa! Parenting a three-year-old and an almost one-year-old is challenging at any time. When you throw in a global pandemic, the challenges grow exponentially. I frequently ask for and take advice from my tribe of parent friends for matters big […]

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Lessons in Crisis Management from a Royal Fiasco

April 8, 2021

Group Gordon’s Emily Bell shares the latest insights and crisis management lessons for the ongoing fiasco roiling the Royal Family. That’s right: we’re back with another installment of Royal PR-Watch. My colleague Rhani Franklin covered the initial backlash from – and serious PR missteps leading up to – Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s internet-breaking Oprah […]

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Royal PR Lessons

March 15, 2021

Group Gordon’s Rhani Franklin explains why a royal PR mess erupted after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle sat down with Oprah. The whole world watched last Sunday night as former royals Meghan Markle and Prince Harry sat down with Oprah for a “bombshell” interview where the couple revealed shocking details about their lives as members […]

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Reviewing CrossFit’s Crisis Response

February 1, 2021

In early June 2020, as much of the corporate world demonstrated support for the Black Lives Matter movement, CrossFit founder and CEO Greg Glassman took to Twitter and internal communications channels to share troubling and deeply insensitive personal views of the moment. The company was quickly plunged into crisis, and its sloppy response did little […]

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The Art of Embracing Criticism

January 20, 2021

Group Gordon’s Andrew Jarrell explains why it’s important for brands to become more comfortable with criticism. Nobody likes criticism. And companies are no different. Long overdue societal conversations about justice and equity are inspiring people to take a hard look at brands and point out where they fall short. At the same time, the continued […]

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