Dear Herb,
You’re vying for attention in an incredibly crowded marketplace. Just like consumer product companies and book publishers, to name just a few, it’s important that you evolve your message and communications focus from time to time to appeal to a new audience. Here’s a starting point:
• Create target audience profiles: Are you hoping to reach college students? Recent grads? 20- or 30-somethings? Draft a few hypothetical bios of your targets. Include names (i.e. Melissa), locations (Chicago), occupations (financial analyst), interests (community service) and behaviors (reads political blogs). These will help you direct your communications effectively.
• Find your targets where they are: online is a good place to start. If your organization is well-suited for social media, start with Facebook and Twitter. Reach out to the blogs that cover your issues; and consider starting your own blog. If you can create compelling video content, post it on YouTube. Update your website to create an environment that will resonate with your targets.
• Hone your message: what would targets want to hear or read about your organization and its work? If you’re unsure, do some research. Talk to people. Test a few hypotheses.
Specificity and thoroughness are key. Know your audience and think like them.
Stay on message,