
Dear GiGi: Where have you been?

April 3, 2014

Dear Cathy – Thanks for asking. It appears you have now presented me with two available paths to traverse in answering your question: 1) tell the truth or 2) tell something you’d believe as the truth. It would be naïve to assume a wayward path of mistruths is the best option, and yet so many […]

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Dear GiGi: Since Lance Armstrong admitted to doping, the media frenzy has quieted down. Have people forgiven or forgotten him?

February 19, 2013

Dear Claudio, I don’t think people have forgiven or forgotten Lance – I think they’re fatigued. In today’s 24-hour news cycle, it takes a lot to hold the media’s – and the public’s – attention for more than a few days. Look at the Pope, for example. His resignation sparked a day of continuous coverage […]

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Dear GiGi, We run a relatively new non-profit organization focused on scientific research to cure a rare disease. We are very excited to be funding our first research projects. Any thoughts as to how we can get the best bang for our (very little) buck in terms of announcing the news?

June 1, 2012

Congratulations on securing funding for your first research projects! I’ll lay out a few ways in which you can hopefully get traction from the announcement. 1. Identify your target audiences. It’s crucial that you’re constantly aware of whom you’re trying to reach. This will save you the effort of blasting news to a diffuse audience […]

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Dear GiGi, What is a good opening statement for a crisis involving stolen information in a cell phone company to reassure customers their information is safe?

November 30, 2011

The security of personal information is one of the most important things to a consumer, especially in the telecommunications business. While I’d need more information to talk specifics about this company’s challenge, here are a few principles to follow: Take ownership of the situation: accept responsibility for the breach, be transparent about the scope, and […]

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